Portal Reloaded


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    In this community made mod you play as test subject [4-5-0-9]. Awoken from stasis by an automated AI, you are expected to complete a very special test course. Within the depths of Aperture Science, secluded from the rest of the facility, lies a previously unknown and long forgotten testing track.

    Expanding on the concepts of the main game, in Portal Reloaded you get a hold of the Triple Portal Device, allowing you to shoot three different portals. The familiar blue and orange portals, connecting two different places in space, and a third, green time portal, which connects two different timelines. Travelling between the present and a version of reality 20 years in the future, opens up a completely new way of puzzle solving.

    Thinking in four dimensions is key to mastering 25 challenging puzzles laid out for you. This mod is targeted at portal veterans, who are familiar with the gameplay of the main series and want to expand their horizons.

    Portal Reloaded is currently set to release on April 19th, 2021. Exactly 10 years after the official launch date of Portal 2. This mod is meant to be a celebration of all its achievements and an ambitious attempt to push its concepts even further. Have fun playing on April 19th!

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    抖Mの萌二 玩过 @ 2024-3-3 00:42

    无攻略大概10小时左右单人模式通关,流程略短,只有25关。 几乎没有剧情和大场景设计,每一关都在小空间实验室内进行,这一点略逊于MEL。 增加了一个时间维度,难度陡增,卡关卡得飞起。 新增机制其实就以下几点: 1. 中心对称的现在和未来,两个世界的机关和布局会略有差异,进入新的一关养成习惯先观察两个世界的异同再开始解密。 2. 现在会影响未来,主要包括开传送门和移动方块;而在未来开传送门和移动方块则不会影响现在的传送门和方块的状态,未来的方块可以带到现在,现在的方块不能带到未来。 3. 善用新增的时间传送门进行解密,主要是这个门不仅可以用于普通穿梭于现在和未来,还可以~这里就不点破了,自己发现才是最惊喜的。 有两个不同结局,第25关打完出来后记得存个档。某一结局还有彩蛋。 坐等朋友有空了一起玩双人模式,十分期待双人模式的解密和关卡设计。

    鬼影233 在玩 @ 2023-10-1 12:52


    winteriver 玩过 @ 2023-7-27 00:01

    难度一般 时间门在我看来不算很出色的设计

    YOUQY 玩过 @ 2022-12-8 23:24

    传送门的非官方MOD,加入了时间传送门的新机制。过去的方块会同步影响未来,未来的方块不影响过去且可与过去同时存在,解谜思考维度多了一维,难度上升了很多,有好几个谜题我不查攻略根本解不出来。总体质量还不错,就是体量太小了,场景也一直都是室内实验室,相比另一个优秀的MOD『Portal Stories: Mel』还是略逊一筹。

    CROW 玩过 @ 2022-2-20 18:24

    比官方难度高,多了个时间门 很有意思

    NordLandeW 玩过 @ 2021-11-11 00:01

    在portal mod中也算是比较有趣的一个了(虽然portal2的大型mod本来就没多少...) || 对机制的挖掘够深,sausage感有了 || 7.5

    ballban 玩过 @ 2021-10-19 20:25

    比官方的难度难不少, 很爽

    某k君 在玩 @ 2021-10-16 14:07


    brad 玩过 @ 2021-5-7 14:16


    charteasy 玩过 @ 2021-4-22 12:01

    教程结束后 有点难。。 通关了 好玩

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