Dungeon Mage 游戏

    • 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: 动作, 冒险, 独立, 角色扮演
  • 游玩人数: 1人
  • 发行日期: 2023 年 12 月 20 日
  • 售价: 免费
  • 开发: greenpixels
  • 发行: greenpixels


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    • 32A
    / 1人玩过
    Collect, fight, explore, craft, build and venture deeper: The dungeon is a dangerous place and harbors countless evils trying to lay waste to you while you are uncovering the secrets of the structures within. Carve out your place within the ecosystem of the dungeon, unravelling its mysteries, engaging in thrilling combat or even kicking your feet up while you fish for long forgotten treasure. Manifest yourself in the dungeon - you just have to be strong enough to do so.

    This free community-driven dungeon exploration game features a vast amount of content to explore, tons of enemies to defeat and countless items to obtain. Our community's contribution is helping the game reach its full potential by continously providing feedback, contributing ideas and play-testing the on-going free updates this game receives.

    Are you ready to face the dungeon on your own?

    Key features:
    - Fast-Paced Combat
    - Combing Items For Powerful Weapons
    - Dungeon Fishing
    - Randomized Exploration
    - Free Content Updates

    Credits to:

    - Programming: greenpixels
    - Art: greenpixels, ePics, RunninBlood, Anokolisa, LYASeeK, Penusbmic, Elthen's Pixel Art Shop, unTied Games
    - Audio: Paninjin, Abstraction, Ancient Games, MakotoHiramatsu
    - Helper Assets: GMLive, Post-Processing FX

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