The Treasures of Montezuma 3 游戏


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    / 15人玩过 / 1人在玩 / 1人搁置 / 1人抛弃
    Match tokens to unlock incredible riches in The Treasures of Montezuma 3! As you brave the dangers of a forgotten jungle, you discover an ancient palace containing dozens of locked treasure chests. To release a lock, you must score a certain number of points by matching tokens and collecting the gems they contain. Since you have only one minute to score as many points as possible, you must learn to use power-ups to quickly collect gems and earn more time.

    The Treasures of Montezuma 3 features two addictive game modes: Casual and Expert. Casual mode allows you to easily chalk up points and earn bonuses, while Expert mode offers an intense, fast-paced match-three challenge. Whichever mode you choose, you'll enjoy spectacular visual effects and explosive audio as you invent unique strategies for upgrading the power-ups and solve dozens of mind-bending mini-puzzles between stages. With 160 levels to beat, you could be in the jungle for months!

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    by 我是符腾堡 2024-7-25 04:14 (+0)
    对于把解谜塞进主线的玩法,我除了死妈也找不出别的评价了。 我第二个解谜关我就解不出来了,我能怎么办?对不起,是我的问题,我太菜了,那就这样吧。我不玩了。 (more)



    dcfhft 玩过 @ 2022-3-23 17:57


    CnIV 玩过 @ 2018-4-9 17:50

    三消玩得最爽的一部 8.8

    brad 玩过 @ 2018-3-25 15:22


    树袋熊 搁置 @ 2016-11-26 19:58


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