ケイオスリングス 游戏


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Chaos Rings (ケイオスリングス Keiosu Ringusu?) is a role-playing video game developed by Media.Vision and published by Square Enix. It was released worldwide on April 20, 2010 as an exclusive title for iOS. Produced by Takehiro Ando, characters were designed by Yusuke Naora, the art director of Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and X among other successful titles.
The game takes place in a mysterious place known as Ark Arena, where participants face enemies in both dungeons and tournament-play to avoid death and gain immortality. Chaos Rings features four scenarios. Each scenario is played by two different story characters and across several worlds, ending with a boss battle.

Chaos Rings begins as a dungeon crawl where navigation and battles are done as a two-person party that is chosen prior to gameplay. Navigation takes place in a third-person perspective. Combat is controlled using a system of menus in a turn-based routine. During a player's turn there is the option of attempting an escape from the battle, or to fight solo or as a pair. If solo mode is chosen, the player has the ability to choose an individual attack for each member of the party, while pair mode effectively makes the couple a single unit, capable of using each other's moves and having the best attributes of both. However, when in pair mode, both members of the party are open to a hit by a single enemy. In addition to attack, the player also has the ability to perform varied forms of magic known as "genes", to use items, or to simply defend against an enemy's attack.
A special feature in combat is the 'break' feature. Attacks made by the couple will decrease the break gauge if it is red (and thus on the enemies' side), and will increase their own if the attack kills a foe. When the break gauge favors one side, their attacks are more powerful, and the foe's are likewise weakened. Critical hits and the ability Trompe L'oell deplete the break gauge at twice the rate of a regular attack.
After a successful battle, the duo receives experience points and Ohnz (abbreviated as "Oz"). Ohnz are the currency in Ark Arena, and can be used to purchase items, weapons, armor, and jewels.




mobius1987 玩过 @ 2020-6-30 16:44


大黄鱼 玩过 @ 2020-3-25 00:20


樱满集 玩过 @ 2019-11-13 13:35

PSV版本通关。黎明篇的两条线其实并不算出彩,尤其是艾夏线,初时看来略微老套的设定加上大量的迷宫刷怪(关键是这游戏的战斗系统一点也不有趣)让我慢慢吞吞打了大半年才把黎明篇的两条线打完(相较之艾夏线,夏默线略有新意一些)。让我想不到的是黄昏篇的两条线只用了短短四天就通关了,一口气打完最终boss,发现这游戏的信息量多到爆炸……果然不愧是SE的风格。这剧情的的确确当得起手机端RPG NO.1之名吧,即

名無しさん必死だな 搁置 @ 2018-4-30 16:00


神無月零治 玩过 @ 2015-10-18 19:53


ichi 玩过 @ 2015-9-13 09:23


幻蓝 玩过 @ 2015-7-22 14:58


黒蝶ダリア 玩过 @ 2015-1-12 00:20


水晶の泪 搁置 @ 2013-12-2 15:11


深夜的边缘 抛弃 @ 2013-4-29 23:18

好古怪的系统 真的好古怪

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